A rich witch, radical faerie, love priestexx, and a shyning diva in service of the universe. Researcher of Spiritual Awakening and Gender Fluidity.
Born and raised in Israel – Palestine, Asis is a gender-transcended Arab Jew. Facilitating self-expansion journeys, specializing in Non Violent communication and Voice Dialogue. Asis is the developer of the Shamanic Somatic Voice Dialogue way (SSVD) – a ceremonial way to access and heal the Sacred Wound, while using deep listening, gentleness, and radical acceptance of all of our inner selves cultivating a healthy Awareness guided by the Awakened Heart frequency.
Creator of the YASSS QUEEN! movement. Empowering humans to evoke the hidden magic we inherited from our spectacular queer lineage. Here to celebrate one another as Queens among Queens!
Bringing to earth the TRANS*MISSION – a ritual exploring the Mystery of gender, and its unique medicine for the human consciousness.
Co-Founder of OMG! (Orgasmic Manifesting Goddexx). OMG! establishes a radical connection between the individual and the Goddexx and helps us to embody divinity in everyday life. Flowing in love with the juicy great mystery and playing around manifesting through pleasure, while laughing together at this huge joke we call life.
humxn being humxn
Asis will be sharing their workshops ‘Trans Mission‘, and ‘Yasss Queen‘, as well as leading the opening cacao ceremony at Taboo Festival ’24.
You can find out more about their work here:
Email: Aviv2u@gmail.com