Rosalind Holgate Smith is a Dance Artist and Choreographer currently living and working in Berlin.
Inspired by her work with touch she creates performances and installations that explore intimate experiences between people, place and the environment.
She completed a BA(hons) in Fine Art & Choreography at Dartington College of Arts and a Masters in Dance at Trinity Laban Conservatoire for Music and Dance.
Rosalind has also studied somatic movement practices including Body Mind CenteringⓇ, Authentic Movement, Skinner Release Technique and The Axis Syllabus and taught Contact Improvisation all over the world, including with professional dancers, in Universities and with diverse groups including disabled adults, and older people.
At present she is completing a PhD that investigates how touch makes possible encounters with Otherness and the vocabulary used in Contact Improvisation at Kingston University, in London. She also offers somatic massage and aquatic bodywork and she teaches yoga and swimming with the Alexander Technique.
Her workshop: “The Unveiling” will be running at Taboo Festival ‘24.
You can find out more about her work here: